This is a certification scheme for a Foreign manufacturer who wants to obtain BIS Licence. The scheme is for certification of products other than Electronic and Information Technology Products. For Electronic and IT products please refer to Registration Scheme on this site at https://www.crsbis.in/BIS/about-crs.do
Generally certification scheme of BIS is voluntary in nature, however for certain products as notified by Government of India under Quality Control Orders, they can be imported to India only with Standard Mark under a valid licence from BIS. The list of such products are available here https://www.bis.gov.in/index.php/product-certification/products-undercompulsory-certification/
BIS licence is mandatory for the products for details please click here https://www.bis.gov.in/index.php/product-certification/productsunder-compulsory-certification/
The application can be made in the forms and formats available under FMCS with all relevant documents indicated in the application. BIS is making a provision to apply on line in due course of time.
Yes, the foreign applicant has to nominate an Indian Resident as an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR) while submitting the application.
The AIR shall be an Indian resident and shall declare his consent to be responsible for compliance to the provisions of the BIS Act, rules, regulations and terms & conditions laid down in BIS Licence, Agreement, Undertaking etc. executed by or on behalf of the foreign manufacturer, by a senior person of branch/office in India shall be nominated as the AIR. In case, there is no such branch / office established in India or till it is established in India , the foreign manufacturer shall nominate an AIR in the prescribed format on firms’ letter-head. AIR is representative of one manufacturing firm only and doesn’t represent other foreign manufacturer(s) as AIR under the BIS Conformity Assessment schemes. However, in case of foreign manufacturers belonging to one group of companies and importers (related to the foreign manufacturer) nominated as AIR, the restriction shall not be applicable
The AIR should be an Indian national; resident of India. However, he can be a foreign national if employed in any office/branch of the manufacturer in India but should be residing in India
For details of Fee Structure, Click here.
For SAARC countries, the payment can be made in USD or Indian Rupee (INR) with GST. For other countries, the payment should be made in USD only.
Not accepted , only the test report as per relevant Indian Standard only be accepted.
No, the samples drawn during inspection shall be tested only in the laboratories of BIS and those recognized by BIS. The sample drawn by BIS shall be sent to Laboratory in India by the applicant firm. The actual testing charges shall be borne by the applicant firm.
(English) Average time taken for grant of licence is generally six months from the date of receipt of complete application and its recording. It may vary for reasons like delay in response to queries raised, if any; organizing inspection(s); transportation of samples and remittance of dues, etc.
No, separate application for each product/ISS is to be submitted for each factory location.
No, separate application for each product/ISS is to be submitted for each factory location.
(English) No, the application for licence is for a product at a manufacturing premise. The firm to give submit an undertaking for the brand name with relevant documents
A number of Product Manual and scheme of Inspection and Testing (SIT) are available for various Indian Standrads under certification. For details please click here https://www.bis.gov.in/index.php/product-certification/product-specificguideline/
No, Under FMCS scheme the application shall be made by the foreign manufacturer only
The details of process followed is given on BIS web site under FMCS, for information a typical process flow for grant of licence is given below:
BIS certification under Scheme-I may be granted initially upto two years after payment of advance minimum marking fee. The licence is valid only for the varieties mentioned in the licence. For extension of validity and varieties covered in licence, application with requisite fee and documents under the existing licence is required to be submitted. Licence may renewed upto five years from the last of the validity
For further queries please contact
Room No. 459, Manakalaya Building
Bureau of Indian Standards,
9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110002.
Telephone: 011-2323 0131/3375/9402, 2360 8280/8319/8449
Email: fmcs[at]bis[dot]gov[dot]in